Hi all!


Here is the start of a 1/144 B757-222 thats going to be in the "Battle Ship" colors of United Airlines. I am going to use three model manufactures to achive this (Authentic Airlines, Contrails and Minicraft). She will be a rather tattered abused dirty looking 757 with flaps/slats deployed.


I started with the Authentic Airlines (AA) resin fuselage which came in 3 parts. The AA kit did not come with the PW engines so I think I will use the Contrails engines with the Minicraft (MC) pylons.....






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Here's a little more of the underside of the wings.

While waiting for some plastic...I started the fuselage.



The blue is not that dark..I'ts mucher lighter!

Finally got those resin wings pretty much done and glued on the fuselage. Still gotta add some more detail to the wings.  I'm gonna grime up the fuselage a bit after I add the engines and stabs.
Thats amazing Brad!

Thanks Matt for all your support!!!!


Here's she is after touching down in JFK!

Awesome! What else can you say?
Steller finish Brad!
Looks absolutely amazing

Thanks to all of you guys...Matt,Billy.Miles and all the other guys!!!!!!!!!!!



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