Don, over at inFlight models emailed me today looking for ideas for the next rounds of models. I figured I'd open this up to discussion. Let me know what you would like to see and I'll pass this information on to Don. The available molds from inFlight 200 are as follows:


B737-700 800 900


Thanks for your ideas

Steve Howland

Views: 347

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I'd like to see a Midway Airlines (1979-1991) DC-9, and 737-200 above all. An American 707 re-do in polished metal, along with another Pan Am 707, maybe this one with a polished under-belly would also be great.

Could you mention to him to mention to Inflight to PLEASE put the 727 on hold until they fix the issues with the nose wheels, the engines, the tail. I can live with the nose, in fact I think it's better on the more recent releases, but the tail needs to be bigger front to back. The nose wheel needs to be smaller. The engines need more detail (see Gemini or Jet-X), and some say there is a size issue on #1 and #3 engines. And a lot of people aren't all that thrilled with how the wing comes together vs Gemini & Jet-x. But it is such a waste to keep cranking out these great liveries on such a flawed mold and asking $90 for it. That's just wrong.



I would love to see Inflight produce the 707 in Braniff's original livery. The Red, White, and Blue SuperJet!



Anything Delta Airlines:  DC-8, DC-10, L-1011, 747  *I looked-up Delta's Fleet on Wikipedia and they did have 3 DC-10's.
Virgin Atlantic:  747
USAF Air Force One:  747
Lufthansa:  DC-10, L-1011
Cathay Pacific:  747
Anything Delta would work for me!!!!

Hi Brian


I agree that the 727 model is not up to snuff and will pass along your message.



Brian Sherman said:

I'd like to see a Midway Airlines (1979-1991) DC-9, and 737-200 above all. An American 707 re-do in polished metal, along with another Pan Am 707, maybe this one with a polished under-belly would also be great.

Could you mention to him to mention to Inflight to PLEASE put the 727 on hold until they fix the issues with the nose wheels, the engines, the tail. I can live with the nose, in fact I think it's better on the more recent releases, but the tail needs to be bigger front to back. The nose wheel needs to be smaller. The engines need more detail (see Gemini or Jet-X), and some say there is a size issue on #1 and #3 engines. And a lot of people aren't all that thrilled with how the wing comes together vs Gemini & Jet-x. But it is such a waste to keep cranking out these great liveries on such a flawed mold and asking $90 for it. That's just wrong.

Another thought. How about a Cayman Airways 737?

I appreciate passing that along. 75, 80 or $90 depending on where you buy it from does not bother me that much if the model is along Gemini or Jet-X standards. By that measure, I think their 727s are a steal at $60. But from a business stand point, they lose out on quite a bit of $ from me alone based on the issues that need to be fixed. I mean I would buy Delta, Western, both Uniteds, and both the Rams and standard last color TWA. That's 6*$75=$450, that I can't justify with the amount of issues on the table.


I agree, too, those ex-Western DC-10s of Delta's would make for a nice release. The widget looks so nice on those big wide-body fuselages. I'd like to see an old-school Virgin 747-200 or -400 circa 1998, the "no way BA/AA" livery.

I understand what you're saying, and I don't think they are "junk" BUT the fact remains they ARE $90 compared to Gemini or Jet-X at $60. At $90 they should be at least be on the same level as Gemini if not better and they are not really close.


-The tail is a key area of error for me as far as it's shape. The real thing front to back is not parallel, and it's not as skinny as it is on Inflight. The key part of the tail that is under sized on the Inflight is the area between the #2 engine and the elevators. The Jet-x AND Gemini tails (on all 6 that I own) are identical shape with each other and ARE far bigger than the Inflight actually. The Inflight is only 1 1/16" measure just under the elevators, and only expands to 1 1/8" where it connects to the #2 engine. The Gemini/Jet-X tail is 1 3/16" inches (1/8" bigger which is a lot in 1/200!) under the elevator, and 1 5/16"(so it widens more than inflight, which is more accurate)where it connects to the #2 engine.


-The engines have become another issue for me as I study the differences. The size is an issue, however the main thing for me is how seamless and perfect the intake area looks on the Gemini/Jet-x, whereas on the Inflight you can see a seem and the ring around that intake opening is not quite as accurate. Especially on aircraft where that is bare-metal and the Inflight is gray. The exhaust area/ hush kits on the Inflight is not as detailed or as accurate as Gemini as well.


-The final major issue for me has become less of an issue on recent releases but the nose shape as in how it curves to the belly, the pointedness, and how its shaped to the window lines are all areas to look at. As I said, I think it is better on the recent United "battleship gray" release, but on TWA twin stripe, and Eastern "silver hockey stick" this issue is there. Some say it still is, but I think its better.


-The wing joint does not bother me as much as others, because it at least follows that crease there.


-The nose wheel is another issue that does not bother me as much. I think the tire itself looks nice from Inflight even though it is a tad large.


As far as no such thing as a perfect 1/200 model, I would just say that there are A LOT of models out there that come pretty darn close to perfection, the best I can think of is the Gemini 757. And the Inflight 200 727 is the furthest away from perfection.


Lastly, I would agree that if you don't like a particular model for whatever reason, just don't buy it and move-on, BUT in this case the manufacturer is asking for advice and I think in interest of gaining more business for Inflight, they would like to know they could've made an extra $450 from me alone if they would correct these particular issues. Also, we are their customers, you'd think they'd want to know what's working and what's not so they can improve and become more competitive, as well as what we want to buy. I think at least 75% of collectors can not justify spending 50% more on a product that is 50% as good.

I used to share that opinion, until so many great/nearly perfect models or molds came out. I used to collect a lot of Inflight 727s, but my $90 is worth more than that now. Unfortunately, the low production numbers are totally offset by the fact there is zero demand for Inflight 727s. I sold my TWA twin stripe on eBay for only $52! If the initial sale price were set correctly market demand would push the price to what it should be selling for. Most Gemini and Jet-X products prove that, and so does Inflight, but in the opposite way. $90 models sell for $50, because no one, or very few,  want them. If the low production run = value theory of theirs was true, then that model would've at least sold for $90. And it was sold out a long time ago, so that should've pushed it higher, but it barely broke $50. Also another point is the National 727. Inflight 200 puts out 240 of them in 2009, which each retailer STILL has probably 5 of and has had to reduce the price to $75. Gemini releases it at a much higher production run, and its sold out and hard to find and fetching $80 on eBay. I think most collectors ARE picky and do search for faults, if they weren't a lot of those people looking for a Gemini National 727 would just buy one of the 240 Inflights that are still out there.


I'm not a rivet counter, I'm just being a smart collector. Why buy something that is less and pay more. It doesn't make any sense. If they truly are listening, why wouldn't we, as collectors, want to point out what they could do to improve? It seems ridiculously wasteful to see that the company is capable of putting out such perfections as the 747 and 707, but continues to produced such a model that is not up to their standards. And this doesn't give collecting a black eye, IMO, it should be looked at as trying to improve what my hard earned $ is paying for. If they're listening let's point out what they can do better, rather than just blindly buying inferior products. The people on DAC that start getting personal are the ones giving it a black eye, attacking 16 yr olds because they are young, and attaching immature names to collectors who collect the stuff they make fun of.


And back to my original point, if Inflight would add some of the more realistic details that Jet-X has I could justify the $90 for the lower production run. I'm not talking anything expensive here either, I mean just replacing the tail and engines would get me to buy at least the Delta widget. I'll finish with saying that I think Inflight does a fantastic job on every other model besides the 727. Truly excellent 747s, DC-8s, 707s, DC-10s, L-1011s, and DC-9s. I just wish the 727 matched that quality.

To my point :

Rediculous Prices


727 outcry

Everyone is excited about everything BUT the 727s. Many call out wanting Gemini over Inflight 727s. I would say plenty of collectors are very wise to the situation and have stopped buying the 727, because they DO notice the faults.

I agree about the inflated prices and the 727 mould that needs a re-toolong. But as I was asked to share my opinion here it goes:


DC-9: Austral

DC-8: Air Canada

732: VASP, Aerolineas Argentinas double A livery, VARIG old colors, PLUNA old and very old colors.
Brian Sherman said:

To my point :

Rediculous Prices


727 outcry

Everyone is excited about everything BUT the 727s. Many call out wanting Gemini over Inflight 727s. I would say plenty of collectors are very wise to the situation and have stopped buying the 727, because they DO notice the faults.

Tony, do you work for IF200?


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