Diecast Airliners Preorder News - www.DiecastAirplane.com

June 23, 2011

New preorder announcements for JC Wings and Inflight 200. It's a great line up including the EasyJet A320 "Reverse Colors" (1:400 scale), the Lufthansa B727-200 "Kassel" (1:200) and I think the hottest model is the Braniff DC-8 "Calder" from InFlight 200. This seems to be a second release on this model. I'm not sure why inFlight has done this model again, but I'm glad they have as I get a lot of request for this model.


url photo Item Name MSRP Sale Price
JC Wings 400 July Preorders
JC4EZY230 Easyjet A320-200 "Reverse Colors" ~G-Ezui (1:400) 37.95 30.95
JC4HVN304 Vietnam Airlines A330-200 ~Vn-A369 (1:400) 43.95 35.95
JC4DLH305 Lufthansa A330-300 ~D-Aikh (1:400) 43.95 35.95
JC4JAL307 Japan Airlines B767-300 "New Livery" ~Ja654j (1:400) 37.95 30.95
JC4VOZ801 Virgin Australia A330-200 "New Livery" ~Vh-Xfa (1:400) 43.95 35.95
JC Wings 200 July Preorders
JC2CFG809 Condor B727-200 ~D-Abmi (1:200) 77.95 62.95
JC2DLH810 Lufthansa B727-200 D-Abkg "Kassel" (1:200) 77.95 62.95
JC2RBA125 Royal Brunei A320-200 "Gj Diecast Mould" ~V8-Rbs (1:200) 79.95 63.95
JC2JAL116 Jal A300-600r "Dream Skyward, Hideki Matsui" ~Ja8377 (1:200) 101.95 81.95
InFlight 200 - November Preorder Items
IF7070811 Continental Airlines 707-300 ~N17321 (1:200) 145.00 129.00
IF7270811AP JAT Airways 727-200 ~YU-AKE (1:200) - Polished 129.00 115.00
IF7270811B JAT Airways 727-200 ~YU-AKJ (1:200) 119.00 99.95
IF7370811 Gulf Air 737-700 ~HB-IIQ (1:200) 110.00 99.95
IFDC100811 American Airlines DC-10-30 ~N144AA (1:200) 195.00 175.00
IFDC8620811 Braniff International Airways DC-8-62 "Calder" ~N1805 (1:200) 159.00 139.00

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