AM's Blog (14)

Top European Fighters

With the growing tensions between Russia and NATO, I became interested in collecting models of the best European fighters currently available. Here is a list of three of Europe's top fighters.

1- Eurofighter Typhoon:…


Added by AM on October 16, 2016 at 3:19am — 1 Comment

My Cold War Bomber Collection

I have been collecting models of cold war bombers for sometime now. My main interest was towards American and Soviet/Russian bombers. Here is a list of models I have collected so far. This list includes bombers of all types and not just strategic long range bombers. It is also not sorted in chronological order.



Added by AM on October 15, 2016 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

100+ AFV models

At last my AFV collection has reached 100+ items just a few days ago. Thanks to great manufacturers such as HM, Unimax, Dragon, Easy Model, Altaya, Fabbri, Amercom and Eaglemoss.

Added by AM on June 20, 2015 at 6:25am — No Comments

My EgyptAir Collection

I have been collecting EgyptAir models since 2010. The first one I got was Schabak B777-200ER.

Check out the full collection @ the following albums:

My EgyptAir Models…


Added by AM on August 21, 2014 at 4:30pm — 12 Comments

MAC Youtube channel (for spreading the word)

Hey Guys,

I wanted to suggest creating a YouTube channel for MAC where MAC members can post videos related to aviation and models. These videos of course should be made by the members themselves. Those videos could include:

  • Model reviews
  • Model un-packaging
  • Short documentaries about…

Added by AM on November 20, 2013 at 3:30am — 4 Comments

My French models

I dedicate this post to my dear friend Jean-Francois Quillien, a great collector and author on SMC.


I own a few models for French made vehicles (both aircraft and AFVs). All of them carry the French Armed Forces livery except for the Mirage IIIE which carries the Brazilian Air Force livery.


1- Mirage 2000:



Added by AM on August 15, 2013 at 11:00am — 7 Comments

Moving my collection

During my marriage preparations, one of the most difficult tasks was moving my aircraft and tank collection from my dad's house to my own apartment. Lucky for me, both houses are within the same building. But still moving the collection required a lot of effort and creativity.

The first step I made was to buy a new cupboard (to house the planes and tanks that were scattered all around my dad's house) and move it to my…


Added by AM on August 11, 2013 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment

Hard Decision.. Part 2

I was inspired by Jeff's blog post "Hard Decision" to write this post.

Recently, Hobby Master announced that it will be launching two 1:72 models for the M48A3 Patton on July and August.…


Added by AM on May 6, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

More space !!!

My armor collection is growing very rapidly and it seems that I am facing exactly the same problem every collector is facing and that is.... space !

I have ran out of room and I can't find any place to put my models. My collection will soon be scattered all around the house. I had to come up with some solution for housing a few more models I have ordered.

What I did was…


Added by AM on April 1, 2013 at 12:42pm — 1 Comment

MiG-29 or A380 ??

This morning I was surfing a few die cast model websites and thought if I was given the choice between flying on a MiG-29 or fly first class on an Airbus A380, what would I choose? I chose the first. So did my brother.

So let me ask all my friends on Scale Model Collectors the same question, if you were given a choice between a free flight on a MiG-29 or first on an Airbus A380 what would you…


Added by AM on February 15, 2013 at 3:30am — 13 Comments

Miss posting on MAC

Hey guys,

I have been away for a while due to assuming a new challenging job. I miss posting new discussions and photos on MAC. In fact, I miss model collection !! I haven't bought any new models for a while. Hopefully, all of this will change soon and I will be back on MAC as before :).



Added by AM on November 14, 2012 at 5:30am — 2 Comments

Real vehicles and their scale models

Check out these albums for more pictures of the places I visited:

El Alamein War Museum

Military Museum in Portsaid,…


Added by AM on September 29, 2012 at 3:30pm — 27 Comments

How stealthy is your collection? (Updated 10/05/2014)

Hey Guys.... Here is another blog post illustrating another encouraging factor to buy models. Today I am going to talk about stealth. I have been very interested in buying models of stealth aircraft. But before I share with you the photos of the stealthy models I own, let us first see what stealth is all about.

Since the inception of aircraft in war, militaries have been searching for ways to hide them from the eyes and…


Added by AM on June 26, 2012 at 5:00am — 6 Comments

How fast is your collection ??

We all collect aircraft models that have a certain significance to us. One of those factors of significance is speed.

Since the start of the cold war and until the introduction of 4rth generation jet aircraft, jet aircraft designers were interested in speed and altitude. They wanted their planes to go higher and faster. From there the race started. MiG-15s and F-86s fought each other in MiG Alley to start high speed jet dogfights. F-100 Super Sabres and MiG-19 Farmers broke…


Added by AM on June 26, 2012 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

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