A Pot Pourri of interesting preorder planes and armor at www.DiecastAirplane.com

Preorder Collector Model News at www.DiecastAirplane.com

March 28, 2012

We have quite an assortment of preorder models to announce today.

Dragon Wings adds a couple of items to their space line.

Merit announces another version of the USS Hornet prebuilt plastic aircraft carrier. The first one of the Doolittle rading that came out in January sold out quickly. This one is a special commemorative version for the 70th anniversary of the raid. It includes 16 B-25s, amazing hand painted ship and planes, and photos of the 16 crews and airmen on the box.

Oxford Diecasthas a new line called History of Flight. These 1:72 scale models will be unique items that I don't believe have been done in diecast ever before. Their first molds are the de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide and the Tiger Moth. I'm particularly excited about the Tiger Moth as it has always been one of my favorite airplanes.

AeroProhas also recently done a custom resin model of the Cessna 402 for a corporate customer. They have some extra unfinished models that I can get if anyone is interested. This is a one shot deal and I will only bring in as many as customers want.

In the armor vehicle world Panzerstahlhas two new molds in 1:72: The 8.8 Flak Gun and the Flakpanzer. These are plastic/resin models and not diecast, but the detail will be excellent.

Dragon Armor also announces a second version of the Neubau-Fahrzeug Nr.2. This is one of the oddest looking tanks I've ever seen. While it was not a successful model in real life, it would certainly add interested to any WW II tank collection.

Link photo Item Name MSRP Sale Price
DRW51038  Bell X-1A, First Flight, Edwards AFB (Contain 2 replicas) (1:144) 44.95 32.95
DRW56375 Space Shuttle "Endeavour" w/SRB STS-88 - Memorable Missions of Space Shuttle (1:400) 89.95 69.95
MIL-89007 USS Hornet CV-8, Doolittle Raiders 70th Reunion 2012 Limited Edition (1:350) 189.95 164.95
72DR001 British European Airways, de Havilland DH.89A Dragon Rapide 'G-AFEZ' (1:72) 44.95 39.95
72DR002 de Havilland DH.89A Dragon Rapide 'G-ADDD' (1:72) 44.95 39.95
72TM001 de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth (1:72) 44.95 39.95
72TM002 de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth Brooklands Aviation (1:72) 44.95 39.95
APC402 Cessna 402 (1:48) Blank ready for decals 99
PS88039 8.8cm Flak 18 19th FlaK Division, El Alamein, 1942   (1:72) 32.95 29.95
PS88040 8.8cm Flak 36  Stalingrad, 1942  (1:72) 32.95 29.95
PS88041 8.8cm FlaK 18/36  21st Panzer Division, Deutsches Afrika Korps, Libya, 1941  (1:72) 32.95 29.95
PS88042 8.8cm FlaK 36  Hermann Goring Division, Sicily, 1943 (1:72) 32.95 29.95
PS88043 8.8cm FlaK 36  43rd FlaK Regiment, Deutsches Afrika Korps, 1942 (1:72) 32.95 29.95
PS88044 8.8cm FlaK 18       Russia, 1941-1942 (1:72) 32.95 29.95
PS89001 Flakpanther Ausf. D Anti-Aircraft Gun  s.Pz.Jg.Abt.653  (1:72) 89.95 79.95
PS89002 Flakpanzer E-100 Anti-Aircraft Gun  (1:72) 99.95 89.95
PS89003 PzKpfw VII Lowe, VK70.01   (1:72) 89.95 79.95
PS89004 PzKpfw I with 7.5cm Pak 40 Anti-Tank Gun Berlin, 1945 (1:72) 89.95 79.95
DRR60598 Neubau-Fahrzeug Nr.2, Versuchsfahrzeuge, Norway 1940 (1:72) 42.95 32.95

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