Airfix's 1/72 Britten-Norman Islander

Hey folks!

This is my first blog here in a very very long time!

So since starting here I transferred from 1/200 over to 1/72 & 1/400, I've met my wife and had 2 Children so quite alot has changed!

Anyway so I thought I'd add my first blog if anyone is still here?

So my first subject will be my first civil in 1/72 and that is the Airfix Britten-Norman Islander:


Here are the decals:

So to start the weight Is in and the cabin floor and seat legs painted:
I made seat belts from Tamiya masking tape and hand painted the instrument panel:
I know it's not near anyone elses level but I am quite proud of this :-D just humour me here haha.

Next the fuselage was closed up and all the seams were then sanded, the horizontal stabilizers were glued and the engines were glued in place but the wings, tail and props were all dry fitted:

Next I tried my hand at manual reriveting.
I free handed it at first but then used a piece of masking tape as a guide.
I used a no12 blade to make the guide holes and followed with a cut down nail in a pin vice to clear out each rivet.
Then once finished each section I went over it with a thin layer of Tamiya xtrathin to soften them up.
I also masked off all windows ready for primer

Then it was on to painting the insides of all the doors.
I then PVA'd all the windows in place including the cockpit glass.
Temporarily put all the doors, holds and hatches in place.
Masked the windows.
And glued on all the antenna, bumps and landing gear legs onto the wings.
I super glued a cocktail stick on to both the fuselage and wings so that they can be primed, masked, painted, decaled and cleared before opening up all the doors, holds and hatches and then Tamiya polycementing the main wing into place for ease of access.

Here it is after a few coats but I ran out of primer and had to sand a few edges down here and there.

I then got a half hour session in were I finished the white, masked and sprayed the red and blue:

And she's finished:

Thank you for reading!

I really enjoyed this build, I have another in the stash along with a list of other mini airliners that I am hoping to build a mini collection to sit in a 1/72 - 1/72 - OO Gauge diorama of an airport at some point during 2020.

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Comment by Adam Barber on March 13, 2020 at 9:22am

Ahh apparently Flickr BB Codes dont work...

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