THAT WORKS !!! THANK YOU AHMED MISBAH! THE WIZARD OF MAC HEADERS !!! The multipics GIF image is OK for the duty, with a slight loss of definition and reduction to 256 colours, but that goes well. Limited cos' of the maxi size of the header to 1Mb to 8-9 pics. But it's a great show improvement !! Other possibilities exist, as various effects and images transitions, but these minorize the number of pics. I'll try more !!
Very nice Papi Jeff, just taking model details to another level, MAC HEADERS. I likey :-)
Thank you very much, Ike!
The animated gif header is on an Ahmed Misbah's suggestion. I created before a lot of page headers with image editing tools and softwares.
1-The 1st point is to obtain an image (or modify a photograph by cut/copy) of dimensions ~1010x316 pixels. That's the size of the header.
2-Then, you can paste any transparencies or img or txt you want OVER the 1st img you created, then save the whole thing. This is for the 1st state: creation of a single page header banner. This resulting img mustn't be over 1Mb (particularly for the animated one !).
3-I'm preparing for you, if you agree, a little package of the base files I use, included logos of our site, created by Matt. Yours then to accomodate your own imgs in these masks by copy.
4-Eventually, some little tools let compile several imgs in an animated gif img, that's the way I used to obtain my animated header.
This procedure causes a loss of definition and colours number, but is sufficient for a header.
I hope this will help and waits your e-mail address to join a zip file containing the base files I use as supports for creating single banners.
Kind regards
I had a look at your page Jeff and thought to myself now how could I get me one of those FLASHY header thingys! Very nice indeed.
Just saw your new header Jeff. Good work!
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