Corgi Fall Release Aircraft News, plus new arrivals Force of Valor and Dragon Armor Preorders

Armor and Warbird News at

May 1, 2012

We have several new arrivals from Forces of Valorincluding the huge 1:16 Sherman tank. This is an impressive model at 14" long.

Corgi has announced there fall release models (Alas, I wish they would do another B-17). And we have alos added some summer release Dragon Armor, including a new 1:72 88mm Flak Gun.

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New arrivals from Forces of Valor
FOV80030 GMC M35 2.5 ton Cargo Truck US Army, Normandy, France, D-Day, June 6th 1944 (1:32) 99.95 69.95 62.96
FOV80020 Opel Blitz German 3 Ton Truck German Army, Eastern Front, 1943, with 5 Action Figures (1:32) 99.95 69.95 62.96
FOV80045 Sd Kfz 142 StuG III, German Army, Kursk, USSR, 1943 with 4 Figures (1:32) 99.95 69.95 62.96
FOV85007 Sherman Tank Normandy 1944 with 3 Figures and Accessorries (1:16) 599.95 449.95 404.96
Corgi 2012 Fall release preorder aircraft
AA31208 Avro Vulcan B2 - XH558, 230 OCU, RAF Waddington, 1960 (1:144) 69.95 59.95 53.96
AA33825 P-47G Thunderbolt, "SNAFU', Restored, Duxford, 2012 (1:72) 59.95 49.95 44.96
AA35413 Sepecat Jaguar GR1 - XZ108, RAF Sqn 2, Laarbruck, Germany. 1987 (1:72) 64.95 54.95 49.46
AA39103 Westland Whirlwind HAR Mk10 - XP330, 230 Sqn, RAF Wittering, 1969 (1:72) 59.95 49.95 44.96
AA39603 Hawker Audax - K4853, n.28 Sqn, Kohal, India 1941 (1:72) 59.95 49.95 44.96
AA39703 Hawker Sea Hurricane MkIIC - 835 NAS, HMS Nairana, 1944 (1:72) 59.95 49.95 44.96
Dragon Armor Preorder Modesl
DRR60413 StuG.III Ausf.G, Eastern Front Autumn 1944 - Black Knight Comic Series   (1:72) 42.95 31.95 28.76
DRR60552 Sd.Kfz.182 Kingtiger Henschel Turret Pz.Abt.503, Berlin 1945 (1:72) 39.95 29.95 26.96
DRR60553 Jagdpanther Late Production, Hungary 1945 (1:72) 39.95 29.95 26.96
DRR60630 88mm FlaK 36, Stalingrad 1942 (1:72) New Tooling 36.95 27.95 25.16

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