HM A10 1/72 Weaponry sets HW1001 & HW1002

Dear all  !!


This week, I Tried a Tremendous Trick on one of my Terrible flying Tanks (what I call a TTTTT): I used a HM A10 weapons set on my Easy Model A10 Night/All Weather prototype.


Easy Model (ready-to-show Trumpeter model) issued unfortunately A10s series WITHOUT any wing payload, that is indeed not really a good idea regarding the kind of ground attack plane being the Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt II or "Warthog".


Recently, by some collectors will, HM issued two armament 1/72 sets dedicated to their diecast A10 own series: HW1001, in Europe Scheme 1 weaponry colours, and HW1002, in low visibility scheme.


I decided to try a fusion between HM accessories and Easy Model A10, and used a HW1001 on the Easy Model A10 N-AW 2 seats prototype model.


First, I put off all armament supports from my HM set, leaving the only weapons available, trying to clean the fixation holes from residual supports plastic pieces.


Then, I adapted as best as I could (from photos comparison) the weapons on my Easy Models A10 wings pylons, then glued them.


The result is not so bad! See the photos!


Thanks to HM!


Kind regards


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Comment by JEAN-FRANCOIS QUILLIEN on October 12, 2012 at 1:15am

Thanks, Ahmed! As you quoted, the YA-10B was a project and only one proto was assembled. It is now on external display at the Air Force Test Center Museum, Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California. Here it is:

Comment by AM on October 11, 2012 at 4:41pm

I didn't know a two-seat version of the A-10 exists until I saw this post !!!! It is called the YA-10B. Great model and great plane.

Comment by JEAN-FRANCOIS QUILLIEN on May 9, 2011 at 3:29am
Sorry! Papi confused Mike and Bryce! Not yet awaken !!! So: thank you, Mike and please, apologize!
Comment by JEAN-FRANCOIS QUILLIEN on May 6, 2011 at 2:59pm

Thank you, Bryce! But it was not a great work, but a great diy !!!

Fortunately, the head/reverse game ended well for me and my A10s!

Comment by Mikeindigokiloecho on May 5, 2011 at 11:53am
That is a mean set of ordinance!  Great work Jeff!

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