Hobby Master and Inflight Preorder news. New JetX arrivals

Airplane Collector News from www.DiecastAirplane.com

March 20, 2012

Hobby Master has announced a very interesting model. They are doing an American Airlines livery for there first wide body mold. This MD-11 is going to have a weighted plastic fuselage and diecast metal wings. It sounds like an odd combination, but so far Hobby Master has been hitting home runs on every model they produce so this should also be a great model. Plus they are doing their first Sea Harriermodel.

From InFlight 200 we have some great releases coming. They did two versions of the CP Air 747s which both sold out quickly. Now they are releasing four more variants of this model. Even better, a lot of customers have asked when inFlight would do an Air Force One 747. Here it is, coming sometime in the fall.

New Arrivals: The JetX 1:200 Delta MD-88 is now in stock.

url photo Item Name MSRP Sale Price
HobbyMaster Preorder News
HL1201 American Airlines MD-11, N1758B 1990's Colors (1:200) New Tooling 129 119
HA4101 Sea Harrier FA2 No. 800 Naval Air Squadron, Disbandment Colors (1:72) 69.95 62.95
Inflight 200 Preorder News
IF7420411CP CP Air (Canadian Pacific) 747-200 Empress of Canada C-FCRB (1:200) 210 185
IF7420411DP CP Air (Canadian Pacific) 747-200 Empress of Italy C-FCRE (1:200) 210 185
IF7420411EP CP Air (Canadian Pacific) 747-200 Empress of Australia C-FCRD (1:200) 210 185
IF7420411fP CP Air (Canadian Pacific) 747-200 Empress of Japan C-FCRA (1:200) 210 185
IFUSAF01P USAF Air Force One VC-25A (747-200) 82-8000 (1:200) 210 185
IFUSAF02P USAF Air Force One VC-25A (747-200) 92-9000 (1:200) 210 185
Jet X new arrivals
JETVA001A Delta MD-88 ~ N904DL (1:400) 51.95 38.95
JETVA001B Delta MD-88 ~ N920DE (1:400) 51.95 38.95

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