InFlight 200 Preorder News and New 1:400 scale A310 from Byrd Models

Preorder News from InFlight 200 and Byrd Models (new)

August 20, 2016 -

Here are a few oddball 747s from InFlight availabe for preorder.

We are excited about the new 1:400 A310 mould form Byrd Models. These first releases are great liveries and are arriving this coming week!

Buy for less at and Save Money up to Three Ways

1. Get an extra 10% off GeminiJets with Coupon Code "DogDays"
(good through the end of August)
2. Free shipping on orders over $100 to 48 US States, plus great prices on international shipping.
3. Collect Loyalty Reward Points on every order.

url Photo Item Name MSRP Sale Price Coupon Price
InFlight Preorder News
IF7441016 South Korea Air Force Boeing 747-400 10001 (1:200) $199.95 $159.95 $143.95
IF7441116 United Arab Emirates Government Boeing 747-400 A6-UAE (1:200) $199.95 $159.95 $143.95
JF-747-4-044 Wamos Air Boeing 747-400 EC-KSM (1:200) $229.95 $169.95 $152.95
Byrd Models New A310 models
VM9VSTF Singapore Airlines A310-222 9V-STF 1990's Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VM9VSTI Singapore Airlines A310-222 9V-STI 1990's Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VM9VSTK Singapore Airlines A310-222 9V-STK 1980's Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMDAICK Lufthansa A310-203 D-AICK 1980's Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMDAIDA Lufthansa A310-304 D-AIDA 1990's Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMDAIDD Lufthansa A310-304 D-AIDA 1990's Colors, Lufhtansa Express (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMN801PA Pan American World Airways A310-222, N801PA, 1990's Billboard Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMN802PA Delta Air Lines A310-222 N802PA "Widget Colors" (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMN822PA Pan American World Airways A310-222, N822PA 1990's Billboard Colors (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75
VMN835AB Delta Air Lines A310-222 N835AB "Widget Colors" (1:400) $56.95 $41.95 $37.75

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