InFlight 200 preorder news, including oldest flying 747

InFlight Preorder News

October 31, 2016 -

Here are the latest upcoming releases from inFlight. The TWA is of particular interest as it was the fifth 747 built, entering service on July 13, 1969, and has the red number 5 painted on it. The Iran Air Force represents the onging story of the plane. Having flown with TWA for only five years this aircraft was sold to the Iranian Air Force in March 1975 and was registered as 5-280. Since being with the Iranian Air Force the aircraft has been reregistered a few times while on lease to other Iranian Airlines such as: Iran Air, SAHA Airlines and Meraj Air. She is now back flying with the Iranian Air Force and registered as 5-8101 making her the oldest flying Boeing 747 with 47.3 years of flying history.

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url Photo Item Name MSRP Sale Price Coupon Price
IF7411116P TWA Boeing 747-100 "5th 747" N93101 (1:200) $209.95 $167.95 $151.15
IF747IAF Iran Air Force Boeing 747-100 5-8101 (1:200) "Oldest Flying 747" $189.95 $154.95 $139.45
IF743UTA001 UTA Boeing 747-300 F-GETA (1:200) $189.95 $154.95 $139.45
IF744UTA003 UTA Boeing 747-400 F-GEXB (1:200) $189.95 $154.95 $139.45

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