All of us here at Model Airplane Collectors know that it is the members who make this site what it is. It is the members who post their collections on their pages, submit articles to the magazine,
share their model airplane and airport builds on their blogs, and
interact with others in the chat room, that make this site
interesting and keep the members coming back. It is for this reason
that we decided to give something back to our members!

Model Airplane Collectors will be giving away one model airplane to one lucky member every month! Every active member for that particular month will be eligible. No member will be allowed to win
more than one model every 12 months. This is not a contests to see
who can contribute the most but merely a thank you for contributing
at all! Thanks for all of your support.

The first four models to be given away were kindly donated from Hobby Master out of Hong Kong and are listed below. These models will be given away in no particular order.

1. Hobby Master 1:200 TWA DC-2 Model #HL8001

2. Hobby Master 1:200 Air New Zealand L-188 Model #HL1007

3. Hobby Master 1:200 China United Viscount Model #HL3002

4. Hobby Master BOAC Boeing 377 Model #HL4002

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