

I am curious as to how many members would like to see a Forum on our site. I know there are several model airplane forums out there however I want this site to be the best model airplane site it can be. I have seen a lot of negativity on other forums and I am trying to keep a positive atmosphere on this site. I want everyone on this site to feel absolutely comfortable starting discussions, asking questions, and otherwise speaking their minds without the fear of being bullied or ridiculed. I think with the group of members we have now that we would not have any problems with that but as we grow in membership there is a chance we might encounter some of the negative drawbacks of forums. So with that said, I would like to get everyones opinion on the issue... Should we add a Forum to our site?




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Comment by Rob Vermeij on January 17, 2011 at 3:35pm

I say yes because it is a great medium but no because it is so many around already and you might get what Matt stated. So if you do it, make sure to get good admins and mods that don't censure and dictate people (like some well known forums) but always stay polite and have patience with people.

Comment by Richard Page on January 17, 2011 at 9:22am
The more the better! As a member of several model airplane forums, it's helpful to have a variety of sources for sharing information, as well as a means for having questions answered by those with expert knowledge. It's also great to see collections!

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