Hi all


New to the site here, but looking for any info on this United DC-8 model, pics attached. Not sure what scale it is, but model is 37" long and 33.5 wing span, It shows Douglas with the logo on the stand, the model shows signs of its' life but still very fine. I'm not a collector but just trying to see if it's of any value or not, not sure what I want to do with it.....


Looking for help


Thank you alll


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I think it looks like an origional model, as in made in the 1960s! What is it made of? It looks very similar to this: Douglas Model on eBay, which is fetching quite the price, over $1,000 USD17, and has 17 bids!! Your model is even bigger, too! Here is a thread on DAC about it, too....DAC thread It looks like a very neat vintage model, I'd love to see what it goes for! Hope this helps! ~Brian

Should also note, that United was one of the launch customers for the DC-8 in 1959, and this could've been a model made around that time, too commemorating the event. Also, it looks like a DC-8-10, which was the origional model, as I can see the inside engine on the right wing still has the funny looking exhaust on the rear of it. That should mean it was from 1959, because in the early sixties United converted it's DC-8-10s to DC8-20s, and DC-8-50s, which did not have that.

Thanks Brian,


I'm sure glad I joined this group. You all have an abundance of knowledge here. I thought it was a fine model of American aviation history but did not know any details on it, I was given this as a child from family friends for yard and house work I did for them.



Hi Brian


The Douglas model on ebay closed at $ 1500.00  WOW ,  In your opinion is the one I have around the same value ?



Thank you



I should think so. It looks to be very similar age, condition, size, etc. What is the aircraft made of?

It's a cast metal , the non-painted areas are polished , not sure if it's an aluminum casting or general die casting material, I'll check some more on the under side 

Seems like the size, and make up of it is very similar to this one, I just found on eBay, baremetal DC-8 model 34 x 37 only yours has original paint in good condition of one of the launch customers which has to be good.


Any markings on the belly that would indicate a brand or how many were made?

Any chance you could post a pic of the belly? And maybe another of the engine underside?

Sure thing, might be a day or two, but I'll get it posted.

Hello Brian


Haven't forgot this, I am going to clean/polish the model up a little before I post more pics, what is a good method ? Meaning what type of cleaner and polishing compound to use ?


Thank you

I'm not so sure on that, I just use a terry cloth and air duster with my stuff. I'd think you could use a rubbing compound or polishing compound on the baremetal stuff and get a real nice shine. But I wouldn't touch the paint with that, though, it could take it right off. Turtle wax might work on the paint. I'd use extreme caution in doing anything to it though, because, in its current state I think it has to be MORE valuable than that factory livery model that brought $1,500. Your livery is in better shape and it's bigger. Maybe just try a wet cloth on the paint. But I wouldn't think it would hurt to try to polish the metal, and clean the base. I found another on eBay, this one in pretty sad shape in terms of paint - SAS DC-8

Wow, Buddy, check this out! United DC-8 eBAY Looks exactly like what you have, sold for $5,500!!! Here is the discussion on it on DAC...DAC discussion says should expect 2-3K for it! Nice!


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