After a fun planespotting session at HOU, I thought about how neat it would be if companies like GJ200 and JC200 made their 777's with extended flaps and slats.  Some of the most exciting moments when we fly on a plane, watching them extend, and making vapor trails at takeoff and the final. This would definitely be a premium feature on these models, so the prices would definitely be higher...  But since the gear is down, why not have the flaps down as well? 


What are your thoughts?  

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It would be a nice feature to have but I think the cost of retooling the mould(s) would be quite a concern for manufacturers. Gemini Aces offers moving rudders and flaps on their 1:72 scale models, but I think the general concensus was that collectors didn't like the 'gaps' because of them.

As you mentioned, the cost would certainly be passed on to us. I'm already concerned that in general the prices for new releases from some companies are up ten to twenty $ per model.

In my opinion, I think that 1:200 scale is too small to make this a viable offering.



I agree with Dave, model plane companies are in business to not only provide us collectors with "top notch" quality products, but also and probably more important making a profit!  Making new or re-tooling moulds would be costly and they would pass those costs on down to the buyers.

In 1:200 scale, these flight control surfaces would require being extremely thin and fragile.  They would have to redesign the wings because of the caps/openings created by the deployed spoilers and leading edge/trailing flaps.  Another item(s) on the model to be concerned about when cleaning and dusting them off, a daunting task even when using a soft brush.

The idea and the look would be nice and interesting, but I think when you start getting into these types of "special" premium models, the prices can become out of reach for some collectors...



The would really only have to retool the wings.... The rest of the mould would be fine. I do agree that the cost would put the models out of reach for most and those that could afford them would probably only buy a select few in that configuration.



Hobby Master tried this with their SBD and lets say it didn't get huge applause so I don't know if it would do any better on airliners. I think most collectors like to see their models clean. I think the only way this would work is if the parts were movable so you could have them open or closed depending on the your preference. But I'm sure this would greatly increase production cost and the retail price would be too high for collectors. Just MHO


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