MODEL REVIEW - GeminiJets 1:200 Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-7H4WL

About the model:

Manufacturer - GeminiJets
Airline - Southwest Airlines
Aircraft - Boeing 737-7H4WL
Scale - 1:200
Part Number - G2SWA187


Mould - Gemini has captured the 737-700 perfectly with this mould. The nose shape is off slightly, but mostly correct, the tail shape is correct, the winglets have been captured perfectly, the engines are correct, the landing gear is correct, I could go on and on of all the correctness. After reviewing many photos of the real aircraft I can't find anything wrong with the overall shape of the mould compared to the real aircraft.

Overall I give the mould a 9.7 out of 10.

Livery - Gemini has also done a great job capturing the Southwest livery. It's difficult to tell if the colors are captured correctly though because the Southwest canyon blue looks different in different lighting conditions. However, from what I can tell by comparing it to the best lighting conditions I could get they are pretty accurate. They may be slightly lighter than the real thing , but not much if at all. All the lines are correctly placed, and everything that's suppose to be painted is painted, as Southwest a lot of extra bits painted red.

Overall I give the livery a 9.7 out of 10.

Details - The details on this model are very good, however there is one major issue I discovered. This was and is a very popular release, and I haven't heard of any issues like this yet, but this issue is one that can be a deal breaker for many collectors. The passenger windows are higher on one side than the other. Similar to the issue with the Gemini200 Delta A319. See the pictures below for more details about this issue. Other than that issue the other details are spot on! The wing details are 100% accurate to the real aircraft. All antennas, lights, pitot tubes, static ports, and exhaust vents are marked. The APU is spot on. No details were left off on this stunning model.

Overall I give the details a 8.7 out of 10.

Value for money - This is a new release so it is slightly more than the older Gemini 737s which is expected. It will set you back around $60.00 which is a lot to some people when you can buy a plastic 737 for as little as $20.00, but the fact of the matter is that this model is far more accurate, far more detailed, and simply a better model. So for what you get I feel the price is pretty reasonable.

Overall I give the value for money a 8.5 out of 10.

Overview - This model is in my opinion the best 737 mould you can buy. The livery and details are also amazingly captured as well besides the window line issue, which frankly is a major issue for many collectors. Gemini has done a great job on this release, and don't forget that Gemini's 737s come with landing gear, and gear up configuration, so it can be displayed in both modes, which also helped the value for money category. This model will be gone from the shelves before you know it, so get it before it's gone!

Overall the model receives a 9.2 out of 10.


Normally I let the pictures do the talking by themselves here, but I want to point out the difference in window lines.

In the first picture right below you can see that the top of the window line would hit right about half way up the cockpit window lines (which are strait and correctly placed.) This side is the correctly placed window lines.

In this photo, right below, of the model the other way round you can see that the top of the window line will hit above the cockpit window. Making it much higher than the other side, and also making them incorrectly placed.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Bryce Rea

Views: 1927


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