MODEL REVIEW - Hogan Wings 1:200 US Airways Boeing 757-2B7WL

About The Model:

Manufacturer - Hogan Wings
Airline - US Airways
Aircraft - Boeing 757-2B7WL
Scale - 1:200
Part Number - HG3381G


Mould - Hogan's Boeing 757-200 mould is not the best 757 mould. There are other moulds that simply catch the 757 better, however there is nothing majorly wrong with the mould. If I were to nitpick at any part of the mould it would be the ends around the nose and tail areas. The nose of the model is not quite as pointy as the real thing, and as a result looks a bit fat. The same goes for the tail, although I feel Hogan has the thickness right the tail like the nose seems to not be pointy enough.

Overall I give the mould a 6.0 out of 10.

Livery - Hogan has captured the US Airways livery very well. The colors seem to be accurate to the real thing, and for the most part is correctly placed. The one very noticeable flaw is the silver lines of the flag moving towards the tail of the aircraft. They are simply not fat enough, and don't connect in the proper places. Also the winglets could have been painted better.

Overall I give the livery a 6.5 out of 10

Details - Hogan models, especially their narrow bodied aircraft, lack many details that similar metal models have. This model in particular has no antennas, pitot tube, or light markings what so ever. The engines and pylons are also very vague in terms of detail, and could be majorly improved. Also the Star Alliance logo is too small. However, the model does have extra detailing on the wings and horizontal stabilizers. It also has a marked APU exhaust, improved cockpit windows, the US Airways heritage badge, spinning engine fans, and extra undercarriage detail

Overall I give the details a 5.0 out of 10.

Value for money - Although this model doesn't score great across the board, especially on details, it can be picked for as little as $19.00. Similar metal versions will set you back at least $50.00 if not more. You also receive a stand, landing gear, and gear up configuration with the model so their won't be any additional costs down the road to add parts.

Overall I give the value for money a 10 out of 10.

Overview - The model lacks a lot of details, and the mould could use some work, but there simply isn't better value for money. At only $19.00 it is serious value for money and overall represents the real aircraft quite well. The value for money category really helps the models overall score out on this one.

Overall the model receives a 6.9 out of 10.


Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Bryce Rea

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Comment by sebastian hernandez on January 14, 2011 at 9:44am
i dont know what have this plane that i love, its so cool

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