Here is where you can find everything you need to put together your own 1:200 airport ground foils.  From printing and assembly instructions to the actual foils them selves.


I've designed these foils to make them as realistic as possible.  They are also free!  So as long as you have time to print and assemble them you can create an endless variety of foil patterns!



  • First, click on the image your ready to print.  That will make it full size on your screen.
  • Second, drag the image to your desktop.
  • Third, open the PNG image on your desktop, and enter the print menu.  It's very important you enter the print menu because if you just quick print it will not print the right size.
  • Fourth, once the print menu is open make sure it is set to "Print To Scale 100%", you do not want it to "Print To Fit Page."

Follow these pictures to help with printing.


Step 1 - Click on the image your ready to print.  That will make it full size on your screen.

Step 2 - Once it's full size on your screen drag the image to your desktop.

Step 3 - Open the PNG image on your desktop, and enter the print menu.  It's very important you enter the print menu because if you just quick print it will not print the right size.

Step 4 - Once the print menu is open make sure it is set to "Print To Scale 100%", you do not want it to "Print To Fit Page."

Repeat those steps as many times as necessary to print what you need to complete your layout.




  • First, After printing cut along the borders. Make as straight as possible. (Use straight edge cutter if possible.)
  • Second, using blue electrical tape, tape them together lightly from the ink side.
  • Third, filp the pieces over and tape along the seam.
  • Fourth, flip the pieces back over and carefully remove the tape from the front to make sure no ink is removed.
  • Fifth, repeat as many times as necessary to complete the desired gate configuration.

Follow these pictures to help with assembly.


Step 1 - After printing cut along the borders. Make as straight as possible. (Use straight edge cutter if possible.)

Step 2 - Using blue electrical tape, tape them together lightly from the ink side.

Step 3 - Filp the pieces over and tape along the seam.

Step 4 - Flip the pieces back over and carefully remove the tape from the front to make sure no ink is removed.

Step 5 - Repeat as many times as necessary to complete the desired gate configuration.


If anyone has any questions on printing or assembling them please feel free to contact me for help.  I'd be happy to assist you.


Now to the actual foils.




This set of gates is designed to fit Boeing 757-300WL aircraft or smaller.  The taxiway is also big enough for a Boeing 757-300WL to pass by.  There are specific aircraft parking marks for the following aircraft: Airbus A318/319/320/321, Boeing 737-300/400/500/600/700/800/900, Boeing 727-200, Boeing 757-200/300, Boeing 717-200, and McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90.


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Gate 2

Gate 3

Gate 4

Gate 5

Sheet 4




Extra Taxiway Sheet

Extra Tarmac Sheet

Movement Line Sheet


Extra instructions to make them look the best possible:

  • Always attach each new sheet below the previous.  Sheet 1 goes on top of sheet 2, sheet 2 is attached on top of sheet 3, sheet 3 is attached on top of sheet 4.
  • To help keep the seems from flaring up I use small double sided sticky place holders.  Often used for scrapbooking.  I place 1 on the bottom side of the top sheet, and then press down.  They then stick together, and that helps to eliminate seems.
  • Sheet 1 is used for extra areas, and can be cut to whatever size you want.
  • Use the first diagonal white line on sheet 3 to connect it to sheet 2.





This set of gates is designed to fit Canadair CRJ-1000 aircraft or smaller.  The taxiway is also big enough for a Boeing 757-300WL to pass by.  There are specific aircraft parking marks for the following aircraft: Embraer ERJ-170/175/190/195, ATR-42/72, DeHavilland Canada DHC-8-100/200/300/400, Embraer ERJ-135/140/145, Embraer EMB-120, and Saab 340.


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Gate 2

Gate 3

Gate 4

Gate 5

Sheet 4





Extra Taxiway Sheet

Extra Tarmac Sheet

Movement Line Sheet



Extra instructions to make them look the best possible:

  • Always attach each new sheet below the previous.  Sheet 1 goes on top of sheet 2, sheet 2 is attached on top of sheet 3, sheet 3 is attached on top of sheet 4.
  • To help keep the seems from flaring up I use small double sided sticky place holders.  Often used for scrapbooking.  I place 1 on the bottom side of the top sheet, and then press down.  They then stick together, and that helps to eliminate seems.
  • Sheet 1 is used for extra areas, and can be cut to whatever size you want.
  • Use the first diagonal white line on sheet 3 to connect it to sheet 2.
  • The Taxiway for this and the Narrow Body set line up, so you can put a Regional next to a Narrow Body gate.





Now this set is much larger than the other sets, and requires more time to assemble.  Please be sure to read all instructions to insure the correct assembly.


This set of gates is designed to fit Airbus A380-800 aircraft or smaller.  There is no taxiway yet for this set of gates.  There are specific aircraft parking marks for the following aircraft: Airbus A380, Boeing 777, Airbus A330, Airbus A340, Boeing 747, Airbus A310, McDonnell Douglas MD-11, Airbus A300, Airbus A350, Boeing 787, Boeing 767, and Boeing 757.


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Gate 2

Gate 3

Gate 4

Gate 5

Sheet 4

Sheet 5

Sheet 6

Sheet 7




Extra Tarmac Sheet

Extra Movement Line Sheet



Extra instructions to make them look the best possible:

  • Always attach each new sheet below the previous.  Sheet 1 goes on top of sheet 2, sheet 2 is attached on top of sheet 3, sheet 3 is attached on top of sheet 4.  In this case since there are more pages than the other sets.  Attach sheet 1 to 2, and then 2 to 3.  Then attach a sheet 1 to sheet 4, and the 4 to 5.  After attaching those attach sheets 1, 2, and 3 on top of sheets 1, 4, and 5.  Then attach a sheet 1 to sheet 6, and 7.  After attaching those attach now put together sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on top of sheets 1, 6, and 7.  That may be confusing.  So if you have questions please contact me.
  • To help keep the seems from flaring up I use small double sided sticky place holders.  Often used for scrapbooking.  I place 1 on the bottom side of the top sheet, and then press down.  They then stick together, and that helps to eliminate seems.
  • Sheet 1 is used for extra areas, and can be cut to whatever size you want.
  • Use the first diagonal white line on sheet 3 to connect it to sheet 2.  Then use the white movement line to connect the other sheets.






This set of gates is designed to fit Canadair older aircraft like the DC-6.  There are specific aircraft parking marks for the following aircraft: L188, DC-6, B377, L1049, Viscounts, and the DC-4.  There is also a diagonal parking spot on each gate for smaller DC-2/3, Convairliners sized aircraft.


This set was designed to be simple.  There are passenger walkways, since there would not have been jetways in this time period.  These foils would go great with Hobby Masters Aircraft.  There are no in ground fuel systems.  There are no gate markings.  The lines are all painted white, as most airports had white lines in this time period.


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3


Sheet 4



Extra Tarmac Sheet

Extra Movement Line and Taxiway Sheet



Extra instructions to make them look the best possible:

  • Always attach each new sheet below the previous.  Sheet 1 goes on top of sheet 2, sheet 2 is attached on top of sheet 3, sheet 3 is attached on top of sheet 4.
  • To help keep the seems from flaring up I use small double sided sticky place holders.  Often used for scrapbooking.  I place 1 on the bottom side of the top sheet, and then press down.  They then stick together, and that helps to eliminate seems.
  • This set of sheet does not work with any of the other sets.


GENERAL NARROW BODY GATES - BLANK (to be printed on colored or textured paper)


This set of gates is designed to fit Boeing 757-300WL aircraft or smaller.  The taxiway is also big enough for a Boeing 757-300WL to pass by.  There are specific aircraft parking marks for the following aircraft: Airbus A318/319/320/321, Boeing 737-300/400/500/600/700/800/900, Boeing 727-200, Boeing 757-200/300, Boeing 717-200, and McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90.  Again!  These are white to be printed on colored or textured paper to help you save ink!


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3




Extra Taxiway Sheet

Extra Movement Line Sheet


And Retro Blank



Extra instructions to make them look the best possible:

  • Always attach each new sheet below the previous.  Sheet 1 goes on top of sheet 2, sheet 2 is attached on top of sheet 3, sheet 3 is attached on top of sheet 4.
  • To help keep the seems from flaring up I use small double sided sticky place holders.  Often used for scrapbooking.  I place 1 on the bottom side of the top sheet, and then press down.  They then stick together, and that helps to eliminate seems.
  • Sheet 1 is used for extra areas, and can be cut to whatever size you want.
  • Use the first diagonal white line on sheet 3 to connect it to sheet 2.


Again if you have any questions at all please contact me, and I'll be sure to help you out!  Also gates 1-5 are listed above.  If you would like a gate with a higher number, or a letter just contact me and I can get it uploaded in less than 5 minutes.

Views: 65490

Replies to This Discussion

Which set of gates would you use for the Gemini C-17?

If you know, how well does the grey match up with the Gemini 1/200 mats?

Thanks for making these available, very much appreciated


Hey Jack!  Welcome to the site.  I would use the Wide Body gate set for a C-17.  As for how closely it matches the Gemini matt I'm not sure.  I've never seen one right next to mine.


Hope that helps!

Great work Bryce. Your hard work is going to make it a lot easier for me when I start my airport, thanks.
Thanks Dave!

Agree... Really appreciate these foils, Bryce.  I'm looking for 1:200 runway that I can print -- to complete a basic layout for my son.  Any ideas?


Nice job on these.

I wonder if you could make all the sheets blank, because they just eat ink.

it will save a LOT of ink.



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